Restoration works of the Fiji Sports Council synthetic tracks at HFC Bank Stadium will begin 4th September, 2023.
“It has taken a while to reach this stage, but the Council is obligated to follow due processes. The Council and its Board is pleased to award the project work to Australian company Sphynx Solutions Pty Ltd, for the supplying, installation, and commissioning of full track works,” Fiji Sports Council Chairman, Gilbert Vakalalabure said.
“The Board of the Fiji Sports Council is confident that Sphynx Solutions will deliver the project as per the scope of work required of them. We also acknowledge the Fiji Government for its timely assistance, ensuring that athletes and all track users receive a fully upgraded track system.”

The Fijian Government, in its National Budget 2023/2024 announcement, allocated $1.9million to the Council’s line agency, Ministry of Youth and Sports, for the upgrade of the tracks.
Upgrade works will involve the removal of the current track lines, and installation of new synthetic tracks system.
“We acknowledge the feedback that we have received from members of the public on the worn-out state of HFC Bank Stadium running tracks, a capital project that involves an extensive engagement of resources,” Chairman Vakalalabure said.
“We understand the impact that the eventual closure of the track will have on National Sporting Organizations, including non-NSO track users. Our aim is to ensure that the long-term benefits of the restored tracks for athletes and fans, outweigh the short-term inconvenience.”
The track, which were completely refurbished in 2013 as part of the Stadium Project then, has experienced national and regional competitions over the years. Upgrade works are expected to be completed in early 2024.
Track users are kindly advised to make alternative arrangements during the period of upgrade works. The final athletics event to take place on tracks, before upgrade works begin, will be Athletics Fiji’s final trials on Saturday 2nd September for 2023 Pacific Games.
For further enquiries, please contact Communications Officer, Mere Tuqiri | 3312177 or 9989208 |